1. higher powers are abusing their power (mwuahahha)
2. no ATA awards
3. boredom
4. i wanted to be the one to start the chain of all the other quitages
5. boredom
6. the shifts are getting painfully longer by the day
7. dont get as much free food anymore gg
Finishing this week and I dont think I ever want to know any more about superannuation again! yayyyy
And instead of calling angry ppl who hate being disturbed during 'tea', I'll be working with middle-aged pre-menopausal women (yea i know, so stereotypical) who are angry at little kids trying to get onto the roads before they learn how to walk... not so yayyy
BUT having said that, the pay rate is 25% higher and its 10 weeks full time training... SUPER YAYYYY
If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm gonna work as CSR at QLD Government Dept of TMR (stands for transport and main roads) and Ill handle anything from ppl paying speeding/parking fines to liaising with Australian Customs over interstate/international cases.... with full power to turn down learners licenses to those lil n00bs >:D YESSSS
But while i am happy to leave my old job...there were a few lil joys that are just weridly worth mentioning
We find amusements in many sad ways...

I discover parts of Australia...

The posters behind the toilet doors at work ask rhetorical questions...

Enough about work....
Dad, being the awesome cook he is.... made crab for us the other night and went to yuens to buy some noodles as the base of the dish...
In classic dodgy asian style, you can now insert the use-by date! wahahah

Amidst my late night online internet clothing browsing, I came across a shirt that made me think if Engrish could get any worse... or maybe the designer really meant what was said....

And one last tribute to my family friends' friends' new lil bub... CHUB OVERBOARD

That must be some uber breast milk LUL
Outties for now~