Tuesday 9 January 2007

life resolutions

hmmm ok....so i might not have those flashy new years resolutions like everybody else...but i DO have a list of things that i want to have done/eaten/experienced before i ermm...die...(or go home :)) oh and keep in mind that this list gradually increases :D

life resolutions up to 2007 (part 1)

1. Overcome fear of water >.>

2. Eat subway (i know...:S)

3. Go to laserforce (i hear its quite fun eliminating ppl :D)

4. Play PAINTBALL (muhahahaha....one of the places u pay for pain :D)

5. Ski

6. Jump on a trampoline O.o

7. Go to ROME!!!

8. Build a HUGE sandcastle

9. Type by pressing the space key with my LEFT thumb....(LOL...i betcha all gonna go look at ur fingers now and test this XD)

10. SNOWBALL fight

11. Eat the crepes at little chef in england

12. Put up a REAL christmas tree

13. Watch every ep of an ENTIRE english drama (ie. language = english...not as in the country...)

14. play a computer game....(most of u goin :O?)

15. use a PAYphone O.o

16. go on holiday overseas without parents

17. Eat HJs

18. Own a dog

19. Day of unlimited spending =D

20. Sleep ONE night without my sausage pillow (and yes i intend to take it with me even AFTER im married >:( )

hmm...part 2 to come soon !


Anonymous said...

bahahah you should upgrade your sausage pillow to the one that caresses you ;)

oh and never fear. i'll give you plenty of opportunities to overcome your fear of water

Anonymous said...

Dood it's time for to take vonnie for an outing.

A 'Complete Vonnie's Resolution' outing. I'm sure we can cover most of those in a day =P

Anonymous said...

haha. and you still have a part 2 to come...

E said...

wat!? no subway!!??! u obviously haven't had a decent drinking session..... hmm 2 birds, 1 stone muahahaha