Monday 19 March 2007


Me: *stacks over edge of shower doors* OW!
*feels something hard crush under her foot* ARGH! a spider!!!
Dad: That's my comb... -_-''

Bestest shower in the dark ever...seriously! i was naked by the time i realized the light was..out

on that note u think a somerville sock tan is bad? try a BANDAID tan from ONE day O_o


Anonymous said...

lol ... you and your random funny incidents.

Wow ... you get tanned easily o_o; Somerville sock tans develop ... over the years XD

Anonymous said...

haha somerville sock tan...

Anonymous said...

lol...the unusual thing is i ended up stacking myself in the shower as well a couple of days ago. was real good hitting my head up against the tiled wall incredibly fast. i still have the remnants of a headache from that headbutt against the shower wall right now.