Yes, due to the extreme desperation that the last comment-or of my blog exerted, i succumb.
So, the life of vonnie in the last er.... month?! ....filled full to the brim i say....
Week 1
dear mel mel arrived from UK! ^^ and hmm we went to movieworld
no one would go on the superman ride with me....grrr so much disappointment (and waste of money! XD)
oh and on the lethal weapon ride, i found this sign.... soooooo hilarious
look at the highlighted bit XD
Week 2
KAIROSSSSSSSS! ahh there's so much i learnt from this camp. Thanks to all my group members and especially sime! Hope ALL of you took something out of this awesome time and remember to keep the fire burning!! As one of my friends puts it - Sizzle for God !!
Week 3
*thinks* "land is a metre away...who would opt to stand on these blocks?!"
sorry frank..couldnt resist =D
the smiling mask hid the greatest fear
A BROWN PIGEON! such a rarity worthy of notation. of course, heidi was quick to mention that i saw another 100 of these after i took this photo!
who's the odd one out?

taking sticker photos wasnt enough, we had to take photos of us outside the sticker phototakerers :D
my goodness, $5 to anyone who can substantially give me an explanation to this ad. This is it. No writing, no ads after/before it. It was at a bus stop - that is your only clue
So thats it so far. Definitely been a very good holiday and its only goin to get better with more rellies arriving this week ^^ This weekend im off to Fraser Island. Let's hope no dingoes come to nibble bits of me. i like all my bits. all of them.
lol @ the highlighted bit...i think that applies to someone like me who has a fat gut... lol
"Man i really wanna try to cut my own hair."
"I wonder if there is a way to make things easier!!'
Ad music comes in
"Its your lucky day cause today, we make YOUR hand work like a pair of scissors!"
"Say what?!?! Are you going to give me a pair of scissors?!?!"
"NO! We're going to transplant a pair of scissors to replace your hand!"
"OH GOSH, for 29.95, thats a hand worth LOSING!"
"And if your the first 500 customers, we give you and one of your friends a scissor transplant FOR FREE. Thats right get one scissor transplant, and you get another one FREE OF us on 19 99 99 99 99... Conditions apply"
"Make that...the first 499 customers, Bob!"
"Hahahahha, so remember, call us on 1999999999."
yay for vonnie's bits!! XD
claps to von !
must be a rock, paper, scissors tournament...
oh, look, another blog to vandalise. it's been two months since you last blogged...when's the next entry?
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