its been so long since ive posted....and why do all my posts start like this?!
BOOOOOOOOO exams are coming up :(
but yesh....hols have gone so fast... and so much has happened since my last post...hmm
1. Birthday: 4-ppl joint thingo
mweheheh twas fun fun fun~ ahh felt so special having so many ppl celebrate with us august babies...thanks guys!
2. Coooooochiiieee Island
wow this day trip seems so long ago... but what i do remember is that im extremely dangerous with a fishing line...could potentially take someones eye out...poor tim, i forced the guy to teach me how to fish...and subsequently mutilated his bait =/
oh and i DO remember how we walked around the whole ENTIRE island looking for 'the spot' -_-''' and then having to negotiate the azn method of swarming some old ladies just so we could take their table...turns out they were just resting :D so no mean azn swarming was needed...more walking later along the beach was awesome and relaxing :) views were beautiful
3. Mummy goin to HK
hmm....more closer to recent weeks my mother dear left for HK... miss her heaps and clearly ive been landed with the household duties and, as my mum emphasized, the most important duty of taping all the azn dramas :O forget about the washing, watering, cleaning...its the dramas she's worried about! lol...ah dear can we ever repay her for educating us the language of chinois through such thrilling means...
on another note, the shopping is so jealous >.<
hehe was looking through some stuff and realized some old school stuff....
back when msn was like this....well maybe not in francais

back when we had floppy disks

back when i was famous... *sigh*

and just for fun...found some kiddie photos~

thanks goes to calista~ she helped me revive my blog lol
yay first comment!
hahah.. awwwwwww you yau girls lol.. i thought about saying you yau's but then i figured that would include jackie and make me look ... weird.
good to see youre still alive tho XD
oh shoot what? so you and heidi are related to jackie and wendy? i thought it was just another all-asian-same-last-name thing.
yes sven....we're related... tsk tsk...cant believe u didnt know...
why else would we have all the same last names?
Kid photos!! Where on earth did you find those! XD
You guys were so cute =P
loooooooooooool jackieeee so littleeee
wait... vonnie... lies
dont point out so much contradictory things. i dont think i can take it all in one go.
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