Some things are definitely worth mentioning whether they be meaningful, valuable, funny or purely because i remembered
- baptism
- quit 2 jobs and applied for 4 (i'm sure u'll be glad to know i am now employed)
- visits from many countless cousins, rellies, family friends
- trip to fraser island and sydney
- no more harry potter novels
- "i was elected to lead, not to read"
- ppl expressing violent confusion over my current phone number (which might i mention FROM NOW ON is 0401541110!!!)
Some things are constant for example oprah, my hate for nature, my slowness and the many laughs my family and especially cynical sister manage to provide me...
eg. something happened today
let me set the scene: heidi, mum and i were colourfully talking about health bars, health magazines when all of a sudden...
Mum: ohh still i havent seen health legger in broken hill
Me: Health legger?!
Heidi: Broken hill?!
Mum: u know.... health legger
Me and Heidi: *thinks* what on earth is a health legger?
Me: OH.... are u talking about HEATH LEDGER?
Mum: yes yes...that man in broken hill(adding a very suspicious tone to the word 'man')
Heidi: -_-
Mum: yea u knew what i meant....
So, i just felt smart that i figured out what my mum was saying. And poor Heath.
Anyway...too many funny stories to tell you... will do so when i remember them.
For a bit of randomness... i found these photos. Dunno why i even have them...considering i wasnt at emp when these were taken.
hmm the ppl look so small >_> open it on a new page and u can see the faces better

a nice smirk to match the nice haircut kentos
KC: "this was never in the contract!!"
nothing much has changed svendawg
And last but not least, just want to offer a tribute to a cheerful and loving friend of mine who was taken to a better place on 20th January 1.30pm. Annabel, thank you for always brightening my days with that lovely smile of yours. You were forever a caring and thoughtful friend of mine. I hope that you are now in a better place and my prayers go out to your family.

I will always remember you, Annabellapoo.
Aiiiiyaii quit 2 jobs and applied for 4?!?!? i didn't hear about the 4 that were applied =(
=) anyway toodle doo nice blog as always!
haha.. if something like your health legger episode happens with my mum i just dont say anything because i cant be bothered
hugs for annabelle.
who's <(O_o<) Crazy (>o_O)> ?
(_-(-_(-_-)_-)-_) <-- smiley gangster
(>^_^)>(>O_o)> <-- mischievous smiley
that picture must have captured me at my greatest moment.
<(O_o<) Crazy (>o_O)> is your no.1 fan sven....
yes you have done your fan club proud!
oh man, you're gonna get stalked if you leave your phone numbers on the net
and i seriously had no idea what mum was going on about. i thought all that nutrigrain had addled her brains...
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