Thursday 7 December 2006

Hardcore DONUTing (or in this case, no core)

argh...7th day on the job thats only existed for the last 10 days is alot more than i first intended -_-''' for one, we have the worst boss ever...everyone hates first i didnt understand this but i guess i do now...

tonite i worked the thurs late night shopping shift that lasts approximately 5 was hardcore from the moment i walked into the shop...donuting, milkshaking, coffeeing, ice-creaming...basically the would have been less exerting had there been an xtra person but only erin and I were working...

newyas...after what seemed like HOURS i look at the clock and its 7.19...(!!!) omgsh i hate that...why cant it be like the morning shifts that go like bang bang bang?! Meanwhile, my boss waltzes in as gracefully as a guy his size can waltz (im not being mean guys...seriously he like..sways and shuffles...) meh...the point is...he spent the next 1/2 hr arguing with me abt the amount of ice-cream i was putting in the milkshakes/thickshakes...the 'convo' went as follows:

Pete: What are u making?
Me: A thickshake
Pete: And whats that you're putting in it?
Me: Well this is a ice-cream machine...
Pete: So, whats that you're putting in it?
*vonnie just continues putting 4 1/2 swirls in*
Pete: You're putting in too much...that was 5 swirls
Me: oh...that was 4 1/2 swirls that i put in (trying to sound as calm as possible)
Pete: No that was 5!!!
*vonnie stops all action and looks at him*
Pete: ok...mayb it was 4 1/2...NO! it was 4 and 3/4
*vonnie turns around and hands the shake to customer*

Now its realli a wonder why HE wonders the reason for his manager quitting...*shakes head*

Neways...amongst the VERY busy nite...there were moments in which me and
erin had the few laughs to help us survive the night...

>>> The Rubbish <<<

Pete: Have you got any more rubbish?! Come on..chop chop! Any more rubbish?
vonnie and erin both look at each other and whisper at the same time: yea...put urself in...(after which we both burst out laughing)

Neways on a nicer note...i also had my other job today (the keyboard teaching one) I had 2 extra students who wanted to do their make-up (not the maxxy heart type) lessons that were planning to come this arvo...

well it ended up that they didnt come so i spent their lessons (approx 1 hr) just banging around on the keyboard myselfthe best bit was i still get i could do that each week..just play to an audience of one (myself) and get paid $21/hr...haha

at the end of tonite at DK...i was so angry that i went and took a bottle of water...(we can take watever we want anytime..but thats besides the point) in REVENGE...MUAHAHAH so the end of the nite...i was $2.30 richer and my body got fully THAT is watered-down revenge :P...


steph said...

awww! lol!

Anonymous said...

hehe . yes . i know how it feels to deal with a gay boss who puts you on at night shift 6.00-11.00. everyday. DANG IT.
you and heidi are gonna be full of $$ by the end of the holidays haha. have fun !