Wednesday 13 December 2006

Brownies, love handles and cancer

quite bored on mon arvo...i discovered a packet of brownie mix with a due date of Dec 2006...(hmm no complaints yet so i assume it was the END of dec)

neways...decided to do some baking and made some brownies with the intention that if they turned out alrite...THEN i would bring them to bs for my taste testers...oh and for those worried ppl out there...i checked...they ARE 96% fat free :D

girls DOMINATED at bible study on mon nite...haha...yes..the brownies passed the test alrite...oh they passed with XCELLENCE!~ hence it was the only explanation for the sudden 'high' that we all experienced...(seriously i didnt think this was the reason..bec had some and she was..erm...normal :P)

we were alllll on the ground laughing our heads off...geez everyone's tummy muscles got a work out that nite :D mayb some ppl can finally look in the mirror and see abs reflecting back at them XD unfortunately most of us couldnt remember the glorious moments of vonnie's slowness, ness' randomness (and MUTILATION!) and frank's random
bursts into song...tho just a few of them can be relived right HERE -->

The donut christmas tree/man

Vonnie: viv, can i borrow a knife?
*Ness grabs knife*
Ness: omgsh...look at that...its a MAN with EXTRA arms and legs
Vonnie: its a christmas tree...
Ness: look...its so a man...we HAVE TO cut them extra bits OFFF
Vonnie: woahhh...let's call him Mr Hairy...check out his head...facial hair seems to have taken over the rest of his face
Ness: YEA! here..we'll give him eyes the poor man
*jabs 2 holes*
Ness: NOW let's cut off his extra arms and legs
Vonnie: nono...i know! they're his LOVE HANDLES!!!!
*max grabs knife*
Max: ahhh let us SCULPT him! HOUR-GLASS figure...
*extra arm bits lie untouched*
Ness: hmm...they look at bit lonely..lets move them
*puts extra 2 bits on chest of 'man'*
Vonnie: HAHAHAHAH...BOOBS! hang it a man or woman now?
Ness: ooo good qn..i have no idea...
Stuck together

(i actually didnt know wth was goin was more a frank/steph/ems thing but even by the end of the 20th time they sang it...i kinda got the song...well the last line neways)
*vonnie/ems singing*: stuckkkk TOOOGEETHHHHERRRR
*vonnie and ems 'stick'*
Cure for cancer

Soph: ohh are freckles nice?
*Ness grabs one*
Ness: hey look! it looks like a MOLE...
*Ness puts it on her arm*
Ness: muahahhahha..i have cancer on my arm...but no matter...
*Ness gobbles up freckle*
Max: Dr NESS is HEREEEEEE....cure for cancer! Cure by gobbling...
Vonnie to soph: makes her sound like a TURRKEY!!!
Ahhh good times good times :D

If i remember more ill be sure to add them on!
But for now..bai~


Anonymous said...

hahahaha... its all cos of your happy bugs!!! you infected us allllllllll

lol pen... " *stares*"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the brownies were sooo nice.

Anonymous said...

yes indeed.