Wednesday 6 December 2006

I am Greg Norman

Due to the rushed ‘welcome’ to my new blog a few evenings ago, I’ve decided to do a proper one…*does a tribal dance* ah… blogspot has been properly installed and the happy bugs continue to multiply at an exponential rate…(wow that was a BIG word…learnt it off sveno hehe)

neways, seeing I haven’t actually properly blogged for like 4 months…wow 4 months o.O…thought id write more than a few lines…hmm got nothing really much to say…let’s talk abt 2day…I think ill do a ness and separate into time periods…

Receive anonymous phone call requesting for Greg Norman…convo was as follows
*phone rings and vibrates on glass*
Me: ola? (meant to be hello but was best I could do at 7 in the morning)
Iodit: OLA! Cómo eres! Me looking for Greg Norman! Greg! U Greg?!
Me: *puts on male voice* oh yes yes…*cough* me Greg OLA!
*person hangs up*
*entirely satisfied…vonnie rolls back over and promptly falls asleep*
I realized later on that ‘ola’ actually means hello in some stream of Spanish and the weird thing he said afterwards was como eres which meant ‘how are you?’

Got woken up again as mum sends heidi to work *covers other ear with pillow*

A stupid lovebird (yes there is a species called lovebird – it’s the one that’s brown with a kinda green head and yellow bit around the eye…I would know…seeing I sat on the side of the road with Heidi one day and watched one die and get picked to pieces by ants after it got attacked by a cat…we were sad…oh yes we were sad :P) decided that my window was the ideal place to test its ability to resist hard objects such as glass…im sad to announce that the glass won…clearly the poor loser had been inspired by a crow that does exactly the SAME test every morning to my sis’ window…

Alarm rings…almost punch myself realizing that I had set the alarm ½ hr too early and after rolling around for a bit…decided to get up and start getting ready

Leave house to meet vivi at garbo for a full morning brunch (seriously…ive never had steak for breakky…was a first o.o)

This was conveniently followed by lots and lots of shopping :D…I feel so envious of the person viv was shopping for…obviously someone spesh ;)…meanwhile as I waltzed in DJ…I found a perfect kids singlet with the bold letters that spelt the word ‘ATTITUDE’ in a very attitudistic way and wanted buy it for kev…I found myself recalling the first one-on-one interaction I ever had with him:
Me: shhh….kevin sit down
To my EXTREME disappointment I found that they had no size 5s left and sulked at the idea that I wouldn’t be able to see him wearing it and rapping: “G-G-G-G-G-UNIT”

Decided to leave garbo in time to arrive for high tea at Stamford with some special friends celebrating for some special days :D

Rings ellie and finds out that she’s in ct and that I would be able to meet her outside queens plaza

Walking along queen st heading in direction of DJs behind a grandma with her granddaughter and admiring the lil girls’ pink squeaky shoes
*vonnie realizes that she is approached on the rhs by a middle-aged Indian fellow Australian*
Random: Hi *raises eyebrows*
Vonnie: O_O
Random: How are you? *raises eyebrows again*
Vonnie: ARGH!! *runs as fast as her high heels and lil legs could take her to queens plaza into the comforting arms of ellie and fi*

--incident of the water balloons—
Esther: can you BLOW UP water balloons?
Ellie: yea….:S
Louise and i: well we’ve never done it before
Fi: ellie said we could
Ellie: No I didn’t
Fi: yes u did
Ellie: No I didn’t
Fi: u said it when we brought them
Esther, Louise and i: so CAN you blow them up or not?
*at the same time* Fi/Ellie: No you can’t/Yes you can
Esther, Louise and i: -_______________-

Left for home

So that was my funtastic and fun-filled day full of fun :D

Oh I also thought that I hadn’t fully satisfied the purpose of the four things thingo…so I decided to add some more personalized parts XD

4 most asian things I am involved in
> mass-stock when specials are on (ie. Like that time I had to buy 10 packs of 24 pack toilet rolls for dad…they mounted up too high on the trolley and I couldn’t see over the top o.O)
> my parents are connected to the world-wide network of azn parents
> Get mum to drive me to the postbox…which is 150m away
> ENDLESS collection of miniature shampoo/conditioner bottles and little soap bars…token of all my hotel stays

4 most embarrassing moments of my life
> walking the length of queen st before I realized I had toilet paper stuck to my shoe
> falling backwards off my computer swivel chair and flashed in full view of all my yr 10 geog class (the funni part was that it took literally 10 secs for me to hit the ground)
> falling down stairs after laughing at my friend who had fallen up the same ones 5 mins before…the situation was as follows:
*Sher stacks up stairs*
5 mins later: *vonnie stacks down stairs*
Nao and Sher: BEACHWHALE!!!!!
> *vonnie points to distance*
Vonnie: OMGSH! Its ORLANDO BLOOM!!! Since when was he in Brissie???!!!
Craig: *giggles without vonnie’s knowledge* Oh…let’s go have a look!
Vonnie: YEA! Mayb I can get an autograph
*both walk 100m*
Craig: oh there he is
*vonnie jumps up and down in excitement*
Vonnie: why isn’t he moving?
Craig: That’s coz it’s a picture
Vonnie: You’re lying…its all LIES!
Craig: hun…here are ur glasses
Vonnie: -_______________-

Hope you had a happy read ppl :)

Lotsa lov
vonnie xoxo


steph said...


Anonymous said...

Bahaha that's tops

Now! Why can't my days be that interesting?

<(O_o<) Crazy (>o_O)> said...

hahahaha...ahhh 5 girls didn't realise that you can blow up water balloons...HENCE BALLOONS hahahhaa =). Anyway yeah, sounds like an almost too interesting day..even for Fu, but I guess thats just me.

E said...

Wow 3 comments (plus this one) and its only been up for erm.... 1/2 hour...

Someone's either popular... or everyone's just extremely bored....I support the latter XD

Btw: Vonnie think Orlanda Bloom'll be back next year... when pirates is back AHAHAHAHA

Timmy said...

you have just been infected with zef's comment virus called "zef's comment virus". its posts lots of comments on your blog and makes you feel like you're really important and popular, all the while satisfying zef's boredom

*find and replace zef - tim*

=D.. sounds like an interesting day... my days dont start until about 11am ;)

Anonymous said...

greg is a cool name